Thursday 29 December 2011

I, Me and Myself

Nope!!! I ain't copying it form the Salman's movie, the title, but this is what I was told that I follow. My loveliest friend keeps telling me that my attitude shows 'I, me and myself' factor and I love her more for that she continously keeps telling this to me and I continually tell her that I don't have any such intention but here comes the reply,"You do carry, but the thing is that you don't come to know about this, the thing called arrogance". Even, the most intelligent part of me can not dare to argue with her much or refuse her suggestion to improve this soft skill. Well, I'm working on it but have not succeeded that much as you can see I'm writing about myself from the very starting of this post and it's been a several lines though, so I think I should better switch on to a second or third person.

The most obvious abstract noun that comes in our mind hearing this is 'Selfishness'. But I will say, use this 'I, me and myself' thing wisely and it'll help you extremely in your life. It'll help you being happy and being a good promising person in most of the relations. Let's see how.....

One is the time when you are dejected, when you expected a lot of love from your loved ones or even friends and you are not getting it, then , it is the best thing to follow this and improve your nature from being possessive to not so at all. It's an awkward situation, I know it very well and afterall who do not expect love from his/her loved ones? But I will say that it may be a misunderstanding thing or you are fortunate that you are secured of that emotional parasite. I'm apologetic to you as I'm not explaining this 'emotional parasite' thing to you this time but may be in some upcoming posts. At this time, I'll just say, "It happens that Shit happens!".So, when you've learnt to live on your own, you're not at all scared of 'if-i-don't-get-a-response' thing. You may utter the words in your mind like,"I am the King of the world" as SRK did in DON or if you're an spiritual personality, then you're simply happy with your God, you do not need anyone else. You can also use this when you're facing a lot of criticism. well, it's quite normal, and my another friend told me that there is a lot of damn gossipping happening about her everywhere so I just suggested her this way. The best way is ignorance for any such criticism.
But remember, this should only be done when you're not getting that response. If you are adapting it as a habit, believe me, you're in danger of losing hold of your relationships.

Second is when you want to do something that is hard, tough or requires a lot of effort. At this time, a completely non-egoistic person will quickly demand for help and that will surely make him weaker for that day when there will be no one to help him. But when ego comes into act, you'll simply say,"I don't need anyone, I can do it by myself!". Now, this is the time where your improvement and capacity as well as skills boost up. You're far more self-dependent now and will continue improving whenever you do this. But again, the same caution, don't adapt it too as a habit because you simply know the consequences when you don't know anything at all about something and you're going to attempt it.

One of my favourite songs I hummmmm.... when I need self-motivation and you may do the same too if you like and that song is....
    mera apna falak hai....mere apne sitaare hain....
    mere apne toofaan hain....mere apne kinaare hain...
    main apne rab ka banda hoon................
    main apne rab ka banda hoon................

At last, one more line for me....I promise you my lovely friend, I'll soon improve this nature of mine.

Sunday 18 December 2011

The simplest and the toughest thing to understand--"LOVE"

First of all, lots of lots of love and kisses to my lovely readers for whom I love to write. Well, it is the longest waited blogpost and there may be many reasons in your mind. Most probably, you would be thinking, it was because of the exams and all that or the lack of the content. Well, well, well.....let me say, it will not be an exaggeration if I alugh till my stomach pains on the above reasons....hahaha!!!! I would laugh because of the fact that the above reasons are simply nonsense. I didn't post any blog during this time because I thought most of the previous blogposts are very critical and important to implement. It was just the matter of time that how many of you did implement any of them? Remember the "attitude.." one........or the "Go Girls!!!", huh? ok, I hope, you'll again start working towards them. Well, another reason that 'lack of the content' one is even more rubbish. I never lack content and can write a new blog everyday. But it's okay yaar, this blog is not about any implementation thing, it's all about feelings, emotions and the best thing called LOVE.

Now, instead of going for the meaning, looking at you, my lovely young reader, I will directly jump to the relationships for which we have to deal everyday with and there is only pumping and impulsive force for them called LOVE. If I have to define love, I will just say as Michael Jackson did in his book 'Dancing-The Dream' that--"Love is like a wet soap-bar, you must know how to handle it gently, if you hold it tight or very loose,  in both the cases, you will fail maintaining it". Well, love also has three types and I apologise if reading the previous few words you thought-"yaar, yeh phir se shuru ho gaya". Yup, I did!!! First one is possessive love in which only the demand of love is there, love is expected more and more and more but this type of love is very painful and brings dullness and dejected feeling to your life. You will never be happy if you expect more in return. The second type is the one in which love is demanded in return for love. Well, it happens most of the times in modern relationships, mainly the girlfriend-boyfriend type. The third type of love completely lacks possessiveness and is highly spiritual and it says, "Just love and expect nothing in return." It may not be possible to love a human like this but it is possible to love God in the same way.

Most of the youngsters now-a-days are having quick break-ups after starting of their love life or many marriages are breaking soon. But afterall, why??? why, why, why? Oh! it's damn simple to answer this question. Most of us have heard the statement uttering out of a lover's mouth--"You're a very interesting person." This term spits out when they keep discovering new things about each other, when they're still discovering innovative things about each other, they are happy and till that time, they find each other interesting and confuses this feeling with LOVE. But, the day they are bored with each other, comes across the fact that now (s)he has no new qualities, the relationship ends. When the attraction of face fades, when the romance of flesh diminishes, when they're done with sex, when they can't bear to watch the same face everyday anymore, the relationship is no more. This is not love, this is just a temporary attraction but love is purely spiritual. When you love, it means your soul is interconnected with other's. The love is something that never lets your interest down in other person. It does not tell you to be attracted to some qualities of the person, it tells you to be attached to that person.

But sometimes, infact many times, a situation comes when you would wonder, "Why that person can't love me?" I will say 'love yourself' first. If you don't love yourself, how can you expect others to love you? If you say you're not good looking, how can you expect anybody else to say that you do look good? This face and this body will be yours till the very end either you love it or not, so why not love it? And now I feel that the line of a very famous song, "main to khud se pyaar jataaun" seems far more sophisticated and really true to me. So, with the only message I wanna leave to you is --"Just love, love others and love yourself. It is an awesome feeling to fall in love(with yourself)."

Saturday 1 October 2011

What is real help???

Help!!!!!!hmmm......... what is it? Let me tell you an anecdote to clarify it with lots of elaboration contained in it.
Once there was a professor in a medical college who wanted to teach his students a little philosophy. Therefore he decided to invite all of the students in a hall.He told them-"Now i will teach you how a caterpillar turns into a butterfly."He told the students that in the next couple of hours, the butterfly would struggle to come out of the cocoon. But no one should help the butterfly. Then he left.
The students were waiting and it happened. The butterfly struggled to get out of the cocoon, and one of the students took pity on it and decided to help the butterfly out of the cocoon against the advice of his teacher. He broke the cocoon to help the butterfly so it didn't have to struggle anymore. But shortly afterwards the butterfly died.When the teacher returned, he was told what happened. He explained to this student that by helping the butterfly, he had actually killed it because it is a law of nature that the
struggle to come out of the cocoon actually helps develop and strengthen its wings. The boy had deprived the butterfly of its struggle and the butterfly died.
So the boy was thinking that he's helping that insect and unknowingly he was letting him in a deep deep trouble and that eventually resulted in a blunder that costed its life.Therefore, it is one of the most essential parts of our life to understand what real help is? If you start helping each and everyone immediately , it'll not help at all, infact it will result in their underpreparation for one of the toughest times in their life where they will need to stand and face problems with enthusiasm and strength.Let's take a few daily life examples--What is the best thing to do when you're having a seat in a bus and a few ladies are standing? Well seriously I can't answer it precisely but there are definitely two views. The first one that it'll be a real shame if a youngster is sitting and a female had to stand. Well, the second thing is if we give them seat each and every single time, what about those times when they're on a long journey during a period of festivals so that they have to travel all the way standing.Therefore, it is necessary to let people be a little bit more self-dependent so that instead of looking for help anytime they are in a problem, they try to solve it manually and that too culminates to success.
Now this one the last example yaar, and here each and every single thing will be crystal clear to you. As most of us did prepare for IIT-JEE and the best and foremost instruction with topmost preference in each book was not to look at the solution unless you've tried it for several times and are exhausted in it.Why did they keep instructing that? Because if we will not solve the problem by ourselves, then everytime a problem comes to us, we'll look for the solution immediately or say we'll have no idea of how to proceed now because we'll be out of tricks as we didn't improve our mind in that particular direction.
This time I will not conclude  and for the first time I'm inviting comments as a conclusion from each and every reader. Hope this time, it lets you come to a life changing decision in your life or say other people's lives!!!!!!!

Friday 9 September 2011


I watched Chak De India for the 17th time yesterday and again got inpiration with the same intensity as it was when I watched it for the first time.I really liked the way Shah Rukh created the team, taught them how to play for the country and lo and behold, took them to world cup victory.I liked these things very much. But there is a difference between like and love and what I loved in that movie was the incident when all the Chak De girls were at a restaurant , a few guys were irritating them and then the inception of building a team appeared super-clear. All the girls beats them so hard that they will never ever think about doing it again. Now, a few questions that are necessarily going to Google your mind are-How dare the guys irritate the girls? The answer is pretty simple and that is the guys think that the girls are weak, they'll just tolerate whatever the guys will do. The boys think that they have the right to stare at any girl, tease them, irritate them, flirt with them and do whatever they want to. Ok, boys ke baare me to kar li baatein, yeh to haraami hain but I would like to ask the girls, How stupid you are? If you allow them to do these things, why would they waste the opportunity?

And now starts your list of excuses and the first and the topmost is definitely going to be about practicality in that particular incident. Let me tell you, it is purely practical, the thing is that you lack confidence. The thing is you have developed the habit of feeling protected just in  the company of your brothers or father. All in all, you are again depending and depending specially on the men. It's ok, being dependent on your brother or father is good. But what will you do when they are not with you? I will say just one thing, you girls have go the power that no boy in the world possess. But be mentally strong, by strong, I mean so strong that you never loose hope even if the conditions are going to be worst. From the very next time, whenever men irritate you, "milkar itna maaro haraamzadon ko ki zindagi bhar yaad rakhein aur doosre bhi dekhkar darein." I would like to give you a few advices:-
First- I would request the girls to be united. If you will not be united, it will be a lot easier for them to irritate you.
Second-and the most important advice-Learn martial arts or any type of fighting act that'll help you in self defence. It's not a joke, it's extremely important.

Keep those two advices in your mind, but first develop a conviction in your mind that you will definitely win. Believe, believe and believe yourself. I hope you would have understood very well whatever I said but again you will hesitate in implementing it. Let me give you one more advice for it, just discuss with other girls about it. Build your own team and be the strongest gang. Oops!!! one  more problem? what about the hesitation you possess about asking it to your parents, that martial arts thing? WEll, think about the irritation and you'll just catapult yourself to talk about it. I would like to say one more thing, this blog may surely develop a sense of negative feelings for boys but I will say that I hate the statement-" All men are dogs". Screw you!!! how dare you say that? You are abusing your own father and brother? Not all are like that girls, you just have to understand who are good and who are not.
Now when I'm believing you, why can't you do it to yourself?
I hope this blog was enough for you to ejaculate the Adrenaline Rush. And I hope, one day will come when 10 boys are beating your brother and you come and save him. Just Go Girls--Rule the world!!!

Thursday 1 September 2011


Bangggg!!!!!! Here comes the most expected blogpost from my side. First of all, i know most of the people are intelligent now-a-days and that's why they may know whatever i'm trying to tell here but inspite of all that, i would like to request my lovely readers not to read this one, just absorb it. Don't gulp it down, keep chewing it, and please, this time, don't judge it, just learn learn and learn. Here, I'm introducing a few anecdotes from a great great book named "YOU CAN WIN" from "SHIV KHERA". And believe me guys and off course the gals, that this is one of the best piece of non-fiction ever which is a complete handbook or should i say the workbook or simply i should say that i can't find words for this book, Just go today and rush your copy, it'll change your life.
ok, lots of talks about the book, now the title. Why did I give that title? Just because it is a fact, a fact that will never change and one more thing here I wanna clarify is that most of the people confuses ATTITUDE with EGO and they know by themselves who are they? Just read it and then you'll come to know, actually what ATTITUDE is.

There was a man who made a living selling balloons at a fair. He had all colors of balloons, including red, yellow, blue, and green. Whenever business was slow, he would release a helium-filled balloon into the air and when the children saw it go up, they all wanted to buy one. They would come up to him, buy a balloon, and his sales would go up again. He continued this process all day. One day, he felt someone tugging at his jacket. He turned around and saw a little boy who asked, "If you release a black balloon, would that also fly?" Moved by the boy's concern, the man replied with empathy, "Son, it is not the color of the balloon, it is what is inside that makes it go up." The same thing applies to our lives. It is what is inside that counts. The thing inside of us that makes us go up is our attitude.

But for having a positive attitude in your life, you'll simply have to be a good person. Someone once approached Blaise Pascal, the famous French philosopher and said, "If I had your brains, I would be a better person." Pascal replied, "Be a better person and you will have my brains." And that truly tells us a lot. I think you might have got the correct definition of ATTITUDE now. Now one more example will finally clear to you the real meaning of positive attitude.
There was a giant who was bullying and harassing the children in the village. One day, a 17-year-old shepherd boy came to visit his brothers and asked, "Why don't you stand up and fight the giant?" The brothers were
terrified and they replied, "Don't you see he is too big to hit?" But David said, "No, he is not too big to hit, he is too big to miss."

In this blog, I talked about what is ATTITUDE? In the next one, I'll talk about steps towards building a positive attitude but first of all, please give a thought to it, think about it and take care of the precaution again, Never confuse "ATTITUDE WITH EGO".

Sunday 28 August 2011

Even Harvard B-School won't teach that

It's a great opportunity for all of the aspiring entrepreneurs and managers to learn a lot from Anna's anshan.The way he and his team has worked and clicked the right link at the right time, that is really amazing. The whole strategy with key planning and the choice of right person for the right thing is really the main subject of concern. I think each and every company in the world would like to have such an understanding and wise strategic environment at their workplace. Let's have a closer look at the lessons we learn from this anshan or should I say the lessons that are expected to learn atleast from the wanna be MBAs or even young corporates.

#LEADERSHIP:-- To be a good leader, you must understand your colleagues as well as juniors very well and this is not at all an easy task. To understand and use their skills at the right place and right time is itself a great skill.Why go anywhere else when we have an example of the Superstar. Nope, not Rajnikant, the biggest ever superstar is Anna and I bet, you will even not dare to opine differently. So he just had the work of taking a few persons with him who can do the job and will not at all leave him struggling in the path? No, the main test was yet to come, how to resolve all these things? How can the public be united? How can a conviction be developed? These points were greatly worked upon by the Genius mind and really it wasn't at all possible without the correct thinking and planning for a long time.So one of the most important factors that matters is Leadership Skills should be great.

Now inspite of defining it in points, let me give you an example that will consist the whole situation.

Let's have a look at the main members of the public ombudsman committee and their job:

KIRAN BEDI:-- As she is a former IPS officer, it was natural for her to configure each and every possible move of police upto any level. She knew when and what would be the reaction of the police to which incident and knew how to talk to them? And how to keep control over any such situation that may cause violence related troubles. Therefore, her job was to manipulate the police talks as well as law related works as she is an expert in law field too and we all saw that in "aap ki kachehri".

SHANTI BHUSHAN AND PRASHANT BHUSHAN:-- Shanti Bhushan, former Supreme court Judge deserves to be the trump ace for any law related works and he did a good homework at what should be the whole structure like? Where to include what in the ombudsman? What problems are the system struggling this time with? What problems may occur when this bill goes to Lok Sabha? What type of conversation should be done with the Government that involves law related problems? These all questions were perfectly worked upon by him.
And his son, Prashant Bhushan as well was one of the best personalities for advisory in both, conversational as well as law related areas. He really proved to be very useful through his perfect advices at different instances.

ARVIND KEJRIWAL:-- The Ramen Magsaysay award winner is one of the best speakers in the country this time. The obvious thing was that his department should be conversation related. He handled both, talking to public as well as the press release and talking to government officials. He very well kept the public informed of what the Government is doing and where are we heading our next step to? He gave all the answers of journalists with smartness and ease. He also talked to Government officials and made stretch their flexibility so that the level upto ombudsman must be achieved.

So, the talents of today and the Entrepreneurs of tomorrow, Let's put our learnings from the above example in points and in theory language now:--

#Leadership skills
#Choice of right person at right time for right job
#Co-operation and Ergonomics
#Good homework with broad approach and long term thinking
#Being ready for the every possible next incident.

I will not say that the above points are enough for and Entrepreneur to take care of. I'll neither say that they are not enough, I'll just say that they are must...

Think about them guys!!!!!!

Friday 19 August 2011

Gandhi is the Greatest, Anna is the Latest !!!

A revolution like this was never seen before by our 3G. In fact, the 3G is participating in it with full enthusiasm. It finally 
proves one thing, that they need a good leader to carry them on and utilise their talent. I don't know whether this revolution
will bring corruption to an extermination but what's the best thing about it is that the whole country whether it is a Hindu,
Muslim, Sikh, Christian , each and everybody is on the road.  

But this unity must carry on and that's the most important thing regarding the emerging of the new era for India. 
What Anna has done is just Incredible and it was not at all easy to develop a feeling of conviction among the people
to fight with so much strength and the adrenaline rush is there for them to move ahead. 

However, talking about the public ombudsman bill , it has a certain cautions to be take care of--
First of all the supremacy of the parliement should not be lost. The investigation and transparency things are okay
but still the supremacy must be maintained. 

Second thing is that instead of going deeper towards the root, the ombudsman seems to be looking for the leaves.
This will not help at all and I think the intelligent minds like Kiran Bedi, Arvind Kejriwal and Prashant Bhushan would
have planned for this too. 

Third and the most important question is again who will take care of the watchman-" What if the members in the 
Ombudsman are corrupted?" 

Whatever be the case and whatever be the consequences, one thing is definite that things will change from now on.
Anna is the new superstar of the Millenium. When he rocks, no one comes in the way and that's why there is something
really cool in saying - "Gandhi is the Greatest, Anna is the Latest"

Saturday 13 August 2011


Most of you would have heard the punch line of a very famous sports company i.e; "enjoy responsibly". Now, before going deeper into the meanings, let's first talk about what FREEDOM is all about? or say what it means? and what is its actual meaning?
If I ask you what FREEDOM means to you, mostly the answers I am likely to get will be-(i) It is to be free in every way from the tiniest bit to the biggest dreams, (ii) It means my right to vote, my right to education, my right to express and my right to do anything I want, (iii) Freedom is to be free like a bird, do whatever you want to, go wherever you like to etc.etc.. Now why don't you guys think about the responsibilities that come with it?

Ok, just a minute! Let me first apologize for blaming you. I'm also responsible for that so let me introduce three new words, "we, us and our". So now, let's learn and understand the real meaning of INDEPENDENCE. We must not look at it asa not to be dependent upon anybody, instead we must understand it as " Being Self-Dependent". And let's elaborate it now.
Hmm..... "Being Self-Dependent"means that we are responsible citizens now, we have to burden all the problems of our nation on our shoulders. It is not like we put up all through our votes to the politicians and let them control "us" then or should I say the "Mother India". A thing to be happy about is that we are no more innocent and unknowledgeable people, we know very well what politicians do and what is their target, but why do we fail in preventing our nation from corruption? The problem is that we are not using our FREEDOM or say the INDEPENDENCE well.
Let us understand it with an example--

If there are a lot of crimes and stealing going on through our society, will we ever reach the thief if the watchman cheats to us? The point is who will look after the watchman now. No, actually the point is who will take the responsibility to not let the watchman handle each and everything. And the answer is the simplest one- we all have to , afterall it is our society. The same thing Mr.Anna Hazaare is trying to tell us. And the way youngsters are supporting him, the future seems to be very bright. India will be an Independent Nation only when he will be no more dependent upon the corrupt politicians to manipulate him. Our 'MOTHER INDIA' will surely be the one someday and that someday is very near, we just need to implement whatever we say and understand. So let's stop blaming the politicians and leaders and start doing this by ourselves. I think, you would be able to configure the meaning of the tag line I introduced at the starting.

At last, I just wanna say something to our respected, honest and genius Prime Minister Dr.ManMohan Singh-" Sir, If you think your cabinet is 'nalayak' or the Members of Parliement are 'nalayak', think again, we, the people of India are your cabinet now, we are with you and will support you in any way to let India be an actual Independent Nation. And sir, we are expecting a lot to hear from you on the Independence Day Speech, let's stop talking and start doing".