Sunday 28 August 2011

Even Harvard B-School won't teach that

It's a great opportunity for all of the aspiring entrepreneurs and managers to learn a lot from Anna's anshan.The way he and his team has worked and clicked the right link at the right time, that is really amazing. The whole strategy with key planning and the choice of right person for the right thing is really the main subject of concern. I think each and every company in the world would like to have such an understanding and wise strategic environment at their workplace. Let's have a closer look at the lessons we learn from this anshan or should I say the lessons that are expected to learn atleast from the wanna be MBAs or even young corporates.

#LEADERSHIP:-- To be a good leader, you must understand your colleagues as well as juniors very well and this is not at all an easy task. To understand and use their skills at the right place and right time is itself a great skill.Why go anywhere else when we have an example of the Superstar. Nope, not Rajnikant, the biggest ever superstar is Anna and I bet, you will even not dare to opine differently. So he just had the work of taking a few persons with him who can do the job and will not at all leave him struggling in the path? No, the main test was yet to come, how to resolve all these things? How can the public be united? How can a conviction be developed? These points were greatly worked upon by the Genius mind and really it wasn't at all possible without the correct thinking and planning for a long time.So one of the most important factors that matters is Leadership Skills should be great.

Now inspite of defining it in points, let me give you an example that will consist the whole situation.

Let's have a look at the main members of the public ombudsman committee and their job:

KIRAN BEDI:-- As she is a former IPS officer, it was natural for her to configure each and every possible move of police upto any level. She knew when and what would be the reaction of the police to which incident and knew how to talk to them? And how to keep control over any such situation that may cause violence related troubles. Therefore, her job was to manipulate the police talks as well as law related works as she is an expert in law field too and we all saw that in "aap ki kachehri".

SHANTI BHUSHAN AND PRASHANT BHUSHAN:-- Shanti Bhushan, former Supreme court Judge deserves to be the trump ace for any law related works and he did a good homework at what should be the whole structure like? Where to include what in the ombudsman? What problems are the system struggling this time with? What problems may occur when this bill goes to Lok Sabha? What type of conversation should be done with the Government that involves law related problems? These all questions were perfectly worked upon by him.
And his son, Prashant Bhushan as well was one of the best personalities for advisory in both, conversational as well as law related areas. He really proved to be very useful through his perfect advices at different instances.

ARVIND KEJRIWAL:-- The Ramen Magsaysay award winner is one of the best speakers in the country this time. The obvious thing was that his department should be conversation related. He handled both, talking to public as well as the press release and talking to government officials. He very well kept the public informed of what the Government is doing and where are we heading our next step to? He gave all the answers of journalists with smartness and ease. He also talked to Government officials and made stretch their flexibility so that the level upto ombudsman must be achieved.

So, the talents of today and the Entrepreneurs of tomorrow, Let's put our learnings from the above example in points and in theory language now:--

#Leadership skills
#Choice of right person at right time for right job
#Co-operation and Ergonomics
#Good homework with broad approach and long term thinking
#Being ready for the every possible next incident.

I will not say that the above points are enough for and Entrepreneur to take care of. I'll neither say that they are not enough, I'll just say that they are must...

Think about them guys!!!!!!

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