Friday 30 October 2020

A letter to a Younger Brother

I feel very emotional while writing this. Probably, the feelings from the bottom of our heart can be told by the emotions we go through while sharing them. I think that this is the very reason why I decided to write this letter to you. I just thought that it may be a bit too awkward to share this with you orally and hence, here I am, trying to use one of the best ways of communication. 

It just happened that I wasn't there physically with you, when you shared the news of yourself getting selected for employment. Had I been there, I would have hugged you and would have definitely shed some tears of joy. It is not that you have not achieved anything earlier. In fact, I believe your biggest achievements of life have taken place before this event. The way you've grown up from an innocent school student to a mature and more than capable Man tells the whole story. But I'm writing this letter, more for it to act as a framework for your coming life than to share my feelings.

As you step into the employed life, there are several things that need to be in place. I'm mentioning them one by one but having no particular order of preference.

First and the foremost is to still be a Student. The day we stop learning is the start of our decline. As Swami Vivekananda said, "The real life of Man consists of Knowledge". If I have to add, I would say that the duty of a human being is to gain knowledge and to put it to good use. You need to keep your mind open to new ideas, concepts and solutions. If you learn like a sincere Student ( one who enjoys the learning ), you'll improve not only yourself but your surroundings too. 

Second - To be ready for the change. Trapped are those who stay in their comfort zone. The only constant in life is Change. If you always keep your shoes ready to move to the next level, you're bound to do good. And as they say, beyond your fear is your best life. Ultimately, what's the point in living a mundane life, not changing and repeating the same things. Of course, a person as creative as you are, definitely understands it well. I would simply say that you must be flexible enough for life to give you a blow and you absorb it like water. The blow may temporarily create a splash but can't destroy water. At the same time, water can sometimes take such an Avatar that everyone is scared of even going near to it, let alone the thinking of giving a blow. 

Third - Relationships. Happiest persons are those who have good relationships. Period. It needs a good heart  and investment of good deeds driven by love for the other person to develop good relationships. Ultimately, we live life, to a great extent, just because there are our loved ones for whom we matter and whom we love. It's a good idea most of the times to share about yourself, your feelings or any dilemma that you're going through with the people who are really close to us in life. 

Fourth - Count your blessings everyday. You must always remember what all you are having. There's a thin line between being grateful and looking for something better. Both the things can be done simultaneously. You feel good that what an awesome relationship you are in with your mother but at the same time, you can still look for how to get it better. You may be working well and earning good for which you should be grateful because there are many who sleep without getting a slice of bread. At the same time, you can look for working even better to achieve mastery and earn even more to do good with that money earned.

Fifth - Money doesn't matter. What you do with it matters. Money is a means to achieve a goal. One can't feed someone who's hungry without money, whether it's about the self, one's family or any other person. We can't even think of living in modern times without money unless we're a monk. Being a philanthropist or an altruist can only be achieved by great human beings and you definitely can be one. Always remember - you have the responsibility to be Rich because until good people become rich, wicked men will keep on making more money and destroy the humanity. Power and money should be in the hands of the Good. Give money the respect and place in your life what it deserves but that's it. Our decisions in life should be primarily driven by wisdom than by money.

I don't claim that these are the only things to be followed. In fact, this letter is flexible and you can later on add your learnings from life in it. I just think that I've pointed out enough of what's needed for you to evolve from being a very good person to being a great person. I believe that you'll make the most out of your life and be happily looking for growth. You can always look up to this letter whenever in trouble for you to realise the important things. And of course, needless to say, whenever in trouble, you can always count on me.

I'm so proud of you. I love you.

Your Elder Brother.

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