Saturday 22 December 2018

Why and when we fail as a democracy?

India is a developing country. "Developing" itself means, these are the growing years for us. With tremendous potential to grow, we are hardly tapping into it. The reason ? It's simple. We are simply failing as a democracy. If you can't believe me, read on the following points and you certainly will :-

1. Voting a Government out or in doesn't change things :- 

In India, the way people show their anger towards the Government is mainly by voting it out. But if changing merely the ruling party could solve the problem, states like Rajasthan would be the most developed one. The bottom line is, your responsibility as a citizen simply does not end with voting. This is one of the most crucial things that is making us fail as a democracy.

2. Blind trust and some rubbish comparison :- 

There are many people who blindly trust and support only a particular party's ideology and work which is as horrible as its consequences. They will simply start explaining even for all the wrong moves by a particular party. Taking advantage of this, political parties simply ask you whether the previous Government has provided you what you needed. So basically they mean to say that it will keep on going the way it has always been. Don't ask us for more. Even the supporters start saying that the other party was not providing what you are asking. In this way, we choose to be backward because the next time, when we vote out this party, the next one will compare itself with previous one and the vicious cycle goes on.

3. We virtually join a political party :- 

The problem occurs when we feel so one with a particular political party that we start justifying each and every single move of them and start answering on their behalf. This is the blunder that we have been doing for long. Taking sides. If we start fighting with each other and start to answer rather than the Government doing it, aren't we letting them take things for granted. We must understand that we are not a member of their party and everything a party does is definitely not right. We should behave as citizens of the country who vote for them and they have an accountability towards us.

I believe if we keep the above three things in mind and stop doing things wrongly, we can literally prosper as a successful democratic country. If we simply don't, we should be ready for 2047 to come and still think, "Has it really been a 100 years since we got independent and still, such a slow growth"? Let's behave like a responsible citizen for the betterment of our country.

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