Sunday 4 August 2013


I was having a conversation with my friend a few days ago. As i'm habitual of saying something philosophical everytime, I uttered many things in front of her as well and the reply was,"tell me something practical." I had no choice left other than keeping quiet at that time because I thought  it to be the wisest thing to do. But I deeply gave a thought to her problem and then my problem and finally our problem. Let us define the twins--Theory and Practical. I called them twins because both of them go hand in hand. It is a heated debate these days that our education (especially engg. education) is mere theory and no practical knowledge. One of my friends who is persuing mechanical engg. always use to say,"yaar, we can not even do what a worker at a garage can ". "What?" I asked. "He can open up and repair a car but we cannot" he said. I knew he was wrong in his perception but I again kept quiet. My friend, if you're reading this article , I just need to say that his knowledge is limited and is only confined within that type of machines at which he works upon and constantly practise as if it is to have a perfection in something in a parrot fashion. But you? You've got your theory and you can apply it anywhere at your will. But for that, your theory portion must be strong. What if an engine of a jet plane is put up in front of him? Then I bet, he'll don't even dare touch it but you'll have the confidence that you know the theory and know the technical terms, obviously you can try and get a hand on it. You can then go and have a look for what technicalities are written on its various parts and now you know the difference. Now , you know what power you will have after having the strong theoretical knowledge.
 Another aspect about the theories that is generally said is that,"theories just don't work, practicals do." How mere foolishness such thoughts are ? When you yourself are calling it 'THEORY' , how can you expect it to work? Afterall, it is you, the doer who is supposed to work with the theory yaar. It is your responsibility to do the practical of this theory. What can books do ? They can't walk or work, they don't have any hands or legs. All they've got is the knowledge to share with you, the theories that you must absorb, believe in them and then make them practical.
 Now the final aspect of it as to be 'NOT WORKING' or in other words, 'FROM IMPRACTICALITY TO IMPRACTICABILITY'. But again what foolishness will be in that if we just try for once, twice, thrice or even five or ten times and just say that it doesn't work. Thomas Edison had to work on his theory 10000 times only after which it could become practicable because he believed in his knowledge and didn't back down.
 Again guys, this blog article is also a theory. I don't think this will work but its' readers will. You and only you have got the power to transform the potential power of words of the books into practicals and use them to your own goodwill. Books and words are nothing but the theories(the knowledge) that you (the doer) must believe in and persistently apply it and make it practicable and practical.
 Afterall, THEORY and PRACTICAL  go hand in hand!!! don't they ? :)

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