Thursday 29 December 2011

I, Me and Myself

Nope!!! I ain't copying it form the Salman's movie, the title, but this is what I was told that I follow. My loveliest friend keeps telling me that my attitude shows 'I, me and myself' factor and I love her more for that she continously keeps telling this to me and I continually tell her that I don't have any such intention but here comes the reply,"You do carry, but the thing is that you don't come to know about this, the thing called arrogance". Even, the most intelligent part of me can not dare to argue with her much or refuse her suggestion to improve this soft skill. Well, I'm working on it but have not succeeded that much as you can see I'm writing about myself from the very starting of this post and it's been a several lines though, so I think I should better switch on to a second or third person.

The most obvious abstract noun that comes in our mind hearing this is 'Selfishness'. But I will say, use this 'I, me and myself' thing wisely and it'll help you extremely in your life. It'll help you being happy and being a good promising person in most of the relations. Let's see how.....

One is the time when you are dejected, when you expected a lot of love from your loved ones or even friends and you are not getting it, then , it is the best thing to follow this and improve your nature from being possessive to not so at all. It's an awkward situation, I know it very well and afterall who do not expect love from his/her loved ones? But I will say that it may be a misunderstanding thing or you are fortunate that you are secured of that emotional parasite. I'm apologetic to you as I'm not explaining this 'emotional parasite' thing to you this time but may be in some upcoming posts. At this time, I'll just say, "It happens that Shit happens!".So, when you've learnt to live on your own, you're not at all scared of 'if-i-don't-get-a-response' thing. You may utter the words in your mind like,"I am the King of the world" as SRK did in DON or if you're an spiritual personality, then you're simply happy with your God, you do not need anyone else. You can also use this when you're facing a lot of criticism. well, it's quite normal, and my another friend told me that there is a lot of damn gossipping happening about her everywhere so I just suggested her this way. The best way is ignorance for any such criticism.
But remember, this should only be done when you're not getting that response. If you are adapting it as a habit, believe me, you're in danger of losing hold of your relationships.

Second is when you want to do something that is hard, tough or requires a lot of effort. At this time, a completely non-egoistic person will quickly demand for help and that will surely make him weaker for that day when there will be no one to help him. But when ego comes into act, you'll simply say,"I don't need anyone, I can do it by myself!". Now, this is the time where your improvement and capacity as well as skills boost up. You're far more self-dependent now and will continue improving whenever you do this. But again, the same caution, don't adapt it too as a habit because you simply know the consequences when you don't know anything at all about something and you're going to attempt it.

One of my favourite songs I hummmmm.... when I need self-motivation and you may do the same too if you like and that song is....
    mera apna falak hai....mere apne sitaare hain....
    mere apne toofaan hain....mere apne kinaare hain...
    main apne rab ka banda hoon................
    main apne rab ka banda hoon................

At last, one more line for me....I promise you my lovely friend, I'll soon improve this nature of mine.

Sunday 18 December 2011

The simplest and the toughest thing to understand--"LOVE"

First of all, lots of lots of love and kisses to my lovely readers for whom I love to write. Well, it is the longest waited blogpost and there may be many reasons in your mind. Most probably, you would be thinking, it was because of the exams and all that or the lack of the content. Well, well, well.....let me say, it will not be an exaggeration if I alugh till my stomach pains on the above reasons....hahaha!!!! I would laugh because of the fact that the above reasons are simply nonsense. I didn't post any blog during this time because I thought most of the previous blogposts are very critical and important to implement. It was just the matter of time that how many of you did implement any of them? Remember the "attitude.." one........or the "Go Girls!!!", huh? ok, I hope, you'll again start working towards them. Well, another reason that 'lack of the content' one is even more rubbish. I never lack content and can write a new blog everyday. But it's okay yaar, this blog is not about any implementation thing, it's all about feelings, emotions and the best thing called LOVE.

Now, instead of going for the meaning, looking at you, my lovely young reader, I will directly jump to the relationships for which we have to deal everyday with and there is only pumping and impulsive force for them called LOVE. If I have to define love, I will just say as Michael Jackson did in his book 'Dancing-The Dream' that--"Love is like a wet soap-bar, you must know how to handle it gently, if you hold it tight or very loose,  in both the cases, you will fail maintaining it". Well, love also has three types and I apologise if reading the previous few words you thought-"yaar, yeh phir se shuru ho gaya". Yup, I did!!! First one is possessive love in which only the demand of love is there, love is expected more and more and more but this type of love is very painful and brings dullness and dejected feeling to your life. You will never be happy if you expect more in return. The second type is the one in which love is demanded in return for love. Well, it happens most of the times in modern relationships, mainly the girlfriend-boyfriend type. The third type of love completely lacks possessiveness and is highly spiritual and it says, "Just love and expect nothing in return." It may not be possible to love a human like this but it is possible to love God in the same way.

Most of the youngsters now-a-days are having quick break-ups after starting of their love life or many marriages are breaking soon. But afterall, why??? why, why, why? Oh! it's damn simple to answer this question. Most of us have heard the statement uttering out of a lover's mouth--"You're a very interesting person." This term spits out when they keep discovering new things about each other, when they're still discovering innovative things about each other, they are happy and till that time, they find each other interesting and confuses this feeling with LOVE. But, the day they are bored with each other, comes across the fact that now (s)he has no new qualities, the relationship ends. When the attraction of face fades, when the romance of flesh diminishes, when they're done with sex, when they can't bear to watch the same face everyday anymore, the relationship is no more. This is not love, this is just a temporary attraction but love is purely spiritual. When you love, it means your soul is interconnected with other's. The love is something that never lets your interest down in other person. It does not tell you to be attracted to some qualities of the person, it tells you to be attached to that person.

But sometimes, infact many times, a situation comes when you would wonder, "Why that person can't love me?" I will say 'love yourself' first. If you don't love yourself, how can you expect others to love you? If you say you're not good looking, how can you expect anybody else to say that you do look good? This face and this body will be yours till the very end either you love it or not, so why not love it? And now I feel that the line of a very famous song, "main to khud se pyaar jataaun" seems far more sophisticated and really true to me. So, with the only message I wanna leave to you is --"Just love, love others and love yourself. It is an awesome feeling to fall in love(with yourself)."